Phone Numbers are so 1999

Clay Space
2 min readOct 7, 2020


I think there is room for a big tech innovation in the way of phone numbers. A phone number is a very private identification that gives someone direct, immediate, and intimate access to you in a way that email and social media can’t.

But the problem is that the phone number was invented way before the internet — and it’s now causing people some serious issues.

For one, many online services ask for your number in order for you to register an account with them. You give your number out so frequently that your digital security is pretty much compromised. It’s a creepy feeling.

On top of that, phone numbers don’t have very good spam filters. Everyone I know is receiving multiple spam calls each day, to the point where they’ve had to turn off all of their phones notifications. For me, personally, I’ve set it up so that when an unknown phone number calls me it goes straight to voicemail. This is great for the 99% of spam calls I get, but it also screens out the 1% of calls I really do want to answer!

It’s frustrating!

Either we need better internet hygiene, an innovation with personal phone numbers, or some sort of mix of the two.



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